Monday, 26 November 2007

Submission: Table Top

I also really enjoyed doing this one. I had three ideas, but only the first one worked as I had planned. I was using my studio lights, and started off by just taking standard photos of the bottles lit from the front, but decided concentrating on the shape of the bottles would be more interesting. I set up one light with an umbrella to the left rear of the bottles and tried to backlit them. I thought spraying them with water would add an extra dimension, but not 100% sure that it worked.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Submission:Table Top

Well. I really enjoyed doing this assignment - it was good to have a deadline again. As I said in my previous comments I had loads of ideas, and I have taken around 100 frames of around 5 different ideas. This was my final idea, and I was happy with this as it was mine, the other ones I'd got by looking around the web for some inspiration. Three bottles on a black ash tabletop. Took about 15 shots to get this as I was using one flash to illuminate the bottles while trying to get a reflection on the table of the bottles as well as get the specular highlight in the right place behind them. Really happy with the final shot with the exception of the cup ring on the table which I only saw once I had this picture on the screen.
Some other ideas I had are on my flickr stream.

Saturday, 17 November 2007


The theme for this assignment is "table top", which can be interpreted in whatever way you want. Deadline Monday 26th November 2007.